What’s The Overall Processing Time For LMIA Application Canada?

What’s The Overall Processing Time For LMIA Application Canada?

A positive Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document issued to Canadian employers who have demonstrated a real need to hire foreign workers. What is the Processing Time for LMIA Application Canada? It usually takes about five to eight months, depending on the type of application.


Processing times vary depending on the type of application you submit. LMIA is usually because no Canadian citizens or permanent residents are available or willing to fill a job position advertised by their company or business. An LMIA is an authorization from Canadian authorities to hire a foreign worker. 


An employer in Canada with an LMIA document can hire a relevant foreign worker by providing them with a copy of the LMIA confirmation document to apply for a work permit. 


The entire LMIA process is overseen by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) to ensure that employers follow the right course of action in Canada. ESDC takes both Canadian and non-Canadians' interests into account. For example, ESDC assesses if the employer offers fair wages for the job position. 


What are LMIA Approved Jobs?


Canada is one of the most sought-after locations for international migrants and people looking for LMIA jobs. The federal government of Canada also offers various welfare, educational, and healthcare programs to all residents, immigrants, and internationally skilled workers. As a result, Canada is a sought-after destination for young professionals, well-trained youngsters, foreign grads, and highly talented employees.


One of the surest methods to immigrate is to get a job authorised by LMIA Job Offers in Canada. It is sometimes referred to as an LMIA work permit since it guarantees employment possibilities for qualified applicants in Canada for a specified time. The LMIA job openings in Canada allow qualified individuals to work for a Canadian company in a particular province or territory for LMIA jobs.


Processing Time for LMIA Application Canada


The Global Skills Strategy (GSS) can help you get to work in Canada faster by offering two-week processing times on eligible work permit applications. To be eligible, they must apply online from outside Canada in one of these situations.


1. Your employer has a positive Global Talent Stream (GTS) toward Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) for your position. In this situation, if you are eligible, you must tell us you are applying using a GTS LMIA. Otherwise, we won’t recognize you as a GSS applicant.


2. You have an employment offer from an employer exempt from the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) process. An occupation is a managerial, executive, or professional that comes under one category. This is when you are applying for an employer-specific work permit.


Some employers don’t need to submit an offer of employment or pay the employer compliance fee.


Steps to Apply for an LMIA Work Permit and other document requirements:


1. Secure a valid job offer from a Canadian employer. 

2. Submit a Work Permit visa application endorsed by a Canadian employer having a positive LMIA

3. The minimum qualification is Class 12. 

4. Apprentice or professional skill certification 

5. A minimum of two years of relevant work experience 

6. Decent IELTS score

8. Sound health and clean records of the candidate

9. Enough funds in the bank


How to Apply for a Work Permit in Canada?


There are two types of work permits in Canada; open work permits and employer-specific work permits. Canada Immigration Today issues work permits under the International Mobility Program (IMP), and employer-specific work permits are issued under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).


When applying for an employer-specific work permit, they will need to attach a copy of your LMIA with your employment contract or job offer letter to your application and pay the processing fee of $155. A spouse, common-law partner, and dependent children may also apply for work and student permits. 


An experienced Canada Immigration Consultant can help applicants with visas and other procedures. The visa process and application are more likely to be fast-tracked. Their goal is to approve successful applicants within weeks.